Organisational Development team - find out more
Who are you?
We are a small team – Adrian Hynd, Alison Fallen, Rebecca Grangeret and Stuart Hiles, and we work across the whole of East Lothian Council.
What do you do?
We design and deliver learning which is accessible to all services across the council. We are involved in your development right from when you start employment in ELC with your induction, all the way through to when you retire with pre-retirement courses.
We support managers with service reviews and planning, annual self-evaluation (How Good Is Our Service?), conferences and away days, coaching, employee benefits and engagement and team development. We also run council-wide initiatives such as Performance Review & Development (PRD), the new East Lothian Way (staff values and behaviours) and Customer Service Professional Qualification.
We manage all of the e-learning modules on the council’s learnPro e-learning system. There are over 85 modules to choose from on a wide range of topics that we are regularly adding to. We can also create new modules to help you develop your teams - so if you have a topic you want put online, please get in touch!
You can access learnPro from work or at home. All you need to do is register. If you haven’t done so already, click here to register. If you have forgotten your login details, We can help you – email
You can find out more about our courses by visiting the Learning and Development section of the intranet. We also produce a calendar of events. You can login to learnPro for further information, to apply for events and enrol on e-learning modules. All of your learning needs should be identified in discussion and agreement with your line manager through PRD discussions, based on what you require to be effective in your role.
New in 2019: Introduction to Lean Thinking, Mental Health First Aid and Project Management. We have also revised our Leadership and Management programmes aimed at those with people management responsibilities – from First Line and Supervisory / Team Managers through to Service Managers.
Do you run all East Lothian Council courses?
No, other services/teams including East Lothian Works, Education, Health & Safety, and the Health and Social Care teams also provide a separate calendar of learning opportunities to support you.
We are here to help. If you have a question, get in touch: email