
Thank you! Celebrating staff compliments

Individuals, teams and departments across the council regularly receive compliments from residents, visitors and businesses. Here's a selection

Local resident: Landscape and Countryside. I'd just like to say that the 2 guys involved in rescuing the people and the dog from the car accident outside Loretto school on Wednesday (8 Jan) deserve a commendation for what they did. I think they were from your gardening/street cleaning team. Please let them know that they did an amazing job!

Local resident: Landscape and Countryside. Many thanks to your workers out this morning (3 Jan), from the boys emptying the litter bins to the ones driving the gritter buggies for salting the pavements. Your efforts are much appreciated, thank you.

Local resident: Road Services. Please pass my thanks to whoever it was that finally arranged the repair of the streetlights in Ware Road, North Berwick.

Local resident: Property Maintenance. Thanks to the out of hours builder (B Palmer) for doing temporary fix on our leaky roof. He went above and beyond.

Local resident: Adult Wellbeing. Thanks to the Emergency Care Service Team and the Community Alarm Team for all their support to me and my mum Isabel.

Please forward any compliments your service receives to Inform and we can include them in future issues.

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