Update on the new council finance system
The project to implement a new council finance system, called Connected Intelligence Anywhere (CiA), has made good progress. A programme of design workshops has been completed and formal outputs agreed with the system supplier. This allows the project to move forward to the next stage of system setup and testing.
I would like to thank everyone involved in these workshops, recognising that this has been a significant commitment while continuing to deliver day-to-day services. A lot of encouraging feedback has emerged from this work, about the potential of the new system to improve the way we capture, report and use financial information throughout the council.
Introducing the new Finance System will impact on staff other than our Finance teams. Change to financial codes is an unavoidable and important strand of this project, as is change to the way goods and services are purchased, and invoices processed. A lot however remains to be done before the new system is operational, which is targeted for summer 2025.
It is vital therefore that we keep all stakeholders up to date with progress and the timing of changes to existing practice. More information about the project is now available on the council’s intranet, which will be updated as the project moves forward.
If you have any queries about the project, please contact the project team: financesysproject@eastlothian.gov.uk
Project Sponsor, Sarah Fortune