Chief Executive, Monica Patterson
Although February is often one of the busiest months of the year for the council, it is always the quickest (even when it is a leap year like in 2024!). It’s also a time of the year which can signal change, with lighter mornings and afternoons and – sometimes but not always – milder weather. As I write this message, March is already underway and many of
us will have been scraping ice off our car windscreens!
In my last message, I highlighted the council’s budget-setting meeting for 2024/25 when elected members agreed our spending plans for the year ahead. The meeting was held in the context of the very challenging financial climate in which all of the public sector is operating.
With some very difficult choices having been made, our attention has turned to implementing budget decisions. We continue to take encouragement from our strong track record of transformation and innovation (achieved with sincere thanks to all our staff) and will need to build on this in the years ahead, whilst engaging with colleagues, our communities and partners.
We continue to welcome ideas from employees on this through our Shaping Our Future agenda, which encourages us an organisation to think differently about how services are delivered to protect vital services for our communities and ensure on-going financial sustainability. Please do not hesitate to discuss any ideas with your line manager, who will also be happy to answer any questions you have about the council budget.
A second full council meeting was held towards the end of February. Reports considered by elected members included our ‘State of the Council’ and Annual Performance Report and the Council Improvement Plan 2024. There was also a report on the next steps for our parking management review. Members also discussed a motion in relation to Gaza.
Along with other members of the Executive Team, the Council Leader and Depute Leader, I was pleased to welcome the Presidential Team of COSLA (the umbrella organisation representing the voice of local government in Scotland) to John Muir House. We had a very interesting and useful discussion about some of the common challenges facing councils, as well as some distinct issues for us here in East Lothian such as the delivery of services to a growing population within financial constraints. Discussions of this kind are key to sharing ideas and identifying opportunities to learn from each other and achieve common goals.
Looking around the council, I always see examples of excellent work and I would like to thank all colleagues who have been involved in preparing for our ongoing Joint Inspection of Services to Protect Children at Risk from Harm. I know that a lot of hard work has been taking place and I am sure this will be invaluable in enabling us to demonstrate East Lothian’s commitment to supporting our children and young people.
Finally, with Easter being early this year, I hope that as many colleagues as possible can enjoy a break either over the Easter weekend or in the days/weeks afterwards.