Meet Mikey!

This year for Youth Work Week 2024, Musselburgh Grammar School pupil Ailsa Rose interviewed youth worker Mikey McKinnon to find out all about his role and why reputation in the community is so important
Mikey McKinnon has been working with North Berwick Youth Project since February 2023 and, as of August 2024, got the full time post as a specialist youth worker.
Mikey was originally a swim coach before he got involved with youth work. When asked why he made the decision to switch he said he’d always “really enjoyed working with young people.” and was keen to move into a role that offered more variety. He then further explained “I thought, ‘can I transfer my skills into working - still working with young people but in a different environment?’” He found his desire for change and freedom when he started out doing the sessional youth work at North Berwick Youth Project.
“It impacts everybody”
When asked who youth work impacts, Mikey instantly replied: “It impacts everybody…all our communities.” Youth work is there to help young people with “whatever needs there are: family issues, anything.” It comes in many forms, whether that be 1-2-1 support, clubs or groups, and its aim is to be as open and accessible for everyone. Mikey added that youth work allows young people to “let them see that their communities are good, but also let the communities see that young people have something to give as well, because they all do. Every young person does.” Youth work provides young people with the opportunities they need to thrive and flourish whilst building up confidence and social skills. It is centred around the trust developed between the young individual and the youth worker and, in turn, establishes a bond between the young person and their community. Mikey states that youth work is so important because its purpose is “to help them. At the end of the day, that’s the nuts and bolts of it…to help these young people achieve.” Smiling, he adds “and be, I know it sounds a bit corny, but the best person that they can actually be.”
Working with young people
Working with young people can be a challenge. We all have bad days which can impact our mood, so Mikey’s ethos is that he aims to “go and make that young person's day a bit better.” He highlights that: “When you see it happening…they smile, they laugh, they open up a bit - that’s the best part for me.” Working with young people and getting to know them can be an amazing experience.
Accessing Youth Work
Youth work operates within communities and schools. Although social media does play an important role in spreading information, Mikey stresses that “word of mouth’s a huge thing as well.” It is most common for a pupil to be referred to youth work by a guidance teacher but that doesn’t have to be the case. You can also find more details for groups or sessions online as well as from other people in your community or school. Having a good reputation means that a youth work organisation can reach those who need the service. Mikey explains that “people telling somebody that they love it…it’s like gold dust…reputation in the community is huge.”
Find out more about the power of youth work from Youth Link Scotland.
Lauren Shines in CIPFA Studies
Lauren Ritchie, a Trainee Accountant in East Lothian Council’s Finance Department, has achieved remarkable success in her CIPFA accountancy qualification. Lauren secured the highest marks in Scotland for the subjects of Corporate Governance and Law & Taxation over the past year.
In recognition of her outstanding performance, Lauren will be honoured at the CIPFA in Scotland Prize Giving Ceremony, which will take place at Glasgow City Chambers on Friday, 15 November 2024.
"Significant achievement"
David Henderson, Service Manager – Service Accounting, praised Lauren’s dedication and achievements: “Lauren has been a terrific student since starting her CIPFA studies, and these two awards are a great credit to her. It is also a significant achievement for the council to see one of our own honoured in this way, again vindicating our ‘grow our own’ approach. The whole team is delighted for her.”
Lauren expressed her gratitude and enthusiasm for her studies and the support she received from her colleagues: “I’ve really enjoyed getting back into studying again and having the practical application of this through working within our team. It has been great working with all my Finance colleagues and managers across the Council, and I’d like to thank everyone for sharing their experience to deepen my understanding, which has helped build my confidence!
"Receiving the awards from CIPFA has been amazing, and I’m so grateful for the recognition of all those hours of studying.”