
Massage availability October to December

Did you know that council employees have access to appointments with a qualified massage therapist on site at John Muir House campus?

Fully qualified remedial and sports massage therapists Susan Green and Angela Jones operate by appointment only from Block A in Brewery Park on Wednesdays and Fridays. Appointments last for approx. 1 hour and cost £35, payable to the therapist on the day. They can be pre-booked through the Healthy Working Teams inbox. Susan and Angela have the following availability in October, November and December - book now to avoid missing out: 

Susan Green

  • Fri 18 Oct:             10.30am, 12.00pm
  • Fri 01 Nov:            10.30am
  • Fri 15 Nov:            9.00am, 10.30am, 12.00pm
  • Fri 29 Nov:            10.30am, 1.30pm
  • Fri 13 Dec:            12.00pm

Angela Jones

  • Weds 23 Oct:     12.30pm
  • Weds 06 Nov:    11.00am
  • Weds 04 Dec:    11.00am

 To book an appointment please email 

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