Celebrating 30 years of community engagement with Port Seton Centre

Port Seton Centre was officially opened on the 26th August 1994 by local artist John Bellany. The Centre has been at the heart of the community for 30 years with many families having fond memories of their time in the Funshine Club (Kids holiday programme), tea dances and other activities. As time has passed centre has become a hive of activity for those looking to take part in their community. Many clubs/groups have come and gone from the centre but many of the faces remain the same. Eileen Brown, Community Development Assistant has worked in the Centre since it opened and alongside other staff and the Centre’s Management Committee, has been at the heart of planning the 30th celebration.

The programme of celebratory events took place over the last weeks including football tournaments, tea dance (pictured above) a ceilidh for the community, a special stay and play session for young families and a huge 30th celebration including local singers, the Port Seton Community Choir and bringing faces old and new back to the centre to celebrate the occasion. In addition, the Museum Service collaborated with Cockenzie and Port Seton Community Council to install a painting from the museum collection in the centre café of the harbour in Cockenzie.
Along with supporting the work of Port Seton Centre, the Management Committee support the local community through giving out small grants to local groups and organisations.
Over the years Port Seton Centre Management Committee have listened to the community and helped facilitate many groups, activities, and resources at Port Seton Centre. Recently some of these groups are a Stay and Play for Neurodiverse children, an ASN youth group for Neurodiverse children, an adults dance exercise class, supporting the setup of a female walking football group, and running a community art group to name but a few.
In the years to come, Port Seton Centre Management Committee is aiming to take on the lease of more areas of the community centre and support the community in the best way possible.