Car lease scheme extended to teaching staff

We are excited to announce that we have extended our partnership with NHS Fleet Solutions to offer more employees the opportunity to join our salary sacrifice car lease scheme. Teachers and associated professionals who are members of SPPA pension scheme now have the opportunity to give up some of their gross salary (before tax) to lease a new low emission car for a period of three years (previously the car scheme was only available for members of LGPS pension scheme).
You pay nothing up front and can save money through reduced tax, NI and pension contributions. During the lease period the car will be fully maintained, taxed and insured, and the cost of the lease includes insurance for up to five drivers, road tax, breakdown cover, servicing, windscreen and tyre cover.
Entering this scheme means that you are agreeing to reduce your gross pay for the period of the lease i.e. three years, and you will pay for the lease via monthly salary deductions. Whilst savings are achieved on your Tax, NI and Pension contributions, the reduction in your gross pay will impact on your pension and may affect any benefits you are in receipt of.
This scheme is a great cost effective way to get a brand new low emission car but it's important before making a decision you read the appropriate section in the FAQ's on the intranet and seek appropriate advice.
Find out more by logging on to the intranet, select 'pay and benefits' on the homepage, and then 'salary sacrifice for cars'.
To contact us about this scheme email