Copying from external publications
The council holds a licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency. This permits employees to make paper or digital copies of content from most books, magazines, journals and periodicals and digital publications.
Colleagues are reminded that the council no longer holds a licence from the Newspaper Licensing Agency. This previously permitted employees to make occasional copies from newspaper publications for internal management. As a result employees must ensure they do not:
• circulate newspaper or magazine articles or extracts internally, via email
• copy or save articles onto internal computer drives
• photocopy or scan articles
• digitally copy articles from a newspaper or magazine website
• print content from a newspaper or magazine website
• print or copy content from a media monitoring service or PR agency
• provide any newspaper or magazine content to external contacts
• place copies of any articles on a corporate website or social media pages
You can still view or share links electronically to online news websites. Many news stories about the council or of interest to employees are now published in this way.