New play areas web pages launched
A new area has been created on our website to showcase council managed play areas across the county and the range of opportunities for active and imaginative play.
The pages have been created to provide details on current play areas as well as the types of experiences and play equipment we are aiming for across East Lothian. Play areas are designed to cater to a wide range of ages and abilities, with a strong emphasis on accessibility and inclusion.
The council recently approved the East Lothian Play Sufficiency Assessment (PSA) of our formal and informal play spaces – a duty under Scotland’s new Planning legislation. The work was undertaken by Play Scotland, and identified key positive aspects, key development findings, and recommendations for our play areas.
This, along with support from ELPA (East Lothian Play Association), has enabled us to improve our consultation and engagement processes for new and renewed play areas and to amend our specification briefs for new play areas, particularly to improve inclusion and accessibility.
Current play area projects
Current play area projects with these new processes in place are:
- Renewal of Muirpark Play Area at Ormiston Road, Tranent – play area renewal currently underway and being installed by the Play Squad. It will include more inclusive and accessible play equipment including more rubber wetpour surfacing which is fully accessible to all abilities, funded by Scottish Government Play Parks Renewal Funding
- Renewal of Lauderdale Park Play Area, Dunbar - installation work will begin later this year dunded by the Scottish Play Parks Renewal Funding. Installation will be carried by an external company due to its size & scale
- Enhancement of Gullane Play Area, Memorial Park in Gullane – also in preparation and coming soon, hopefully later this year. This will be installed by the Play Squad, funded by Section 75 developer contributions after considerable ongoing public consultation work led by Steve Wands and Michael Campbell, Club & Community Sport Development Officer
“It's been great to see community led Play Area ‘design briefs’ arising from these consultations and this in combination with the Play Sufficiency Assessment findings, is resulting in fun, engaging, accessible, inclusive and accessible Play Areas that meet local aspirations.” -Stephen Wands
Further works will be coming forward next year subject to available Scottish Government Play Parks Renewal Funding
The team would welcome any comments or suggestions you would like to make on their web pages and suggestions for improvement. Contact Steve Wands to share your views.
Meet the Amenity Services Play Squad